In this segment we will be discussing members success and questions, swing reviews, news and more. This week we kick off (no pun intended) with questions about knees and the swing. Something we all need to be mindful of.

Question: Aged with knee replacements.

“Good morning Alex, I am in my early 60’s, and have had very limited golf over the last couple of years due to 2 total knee replacements, and recently my lead knee ( right handed )

I have also in the past lacked flexibility and tend to throw my body around during my golf swing. This has probably also been detrimental to my knees unfortunately. Do you think your swing instruction you use, would suit my age and knee condition?

I am desperate to get back and better at golf, but want something that’s as less stressful as possible for my knees.”


Hi David,

Yes I am confident that applying the easy on the body type of swing I advocate will be possible. But you need to be judge. Always be sensible with exercise and movements but we can be smart and effective when you know how.

You see allowing more flow in your swing will help greatly. The strain free series and senior swing series contain several lessons showing a less aggressive move. But also, looking at your set up will help you get through without exrta torque like flaring the lead foot out. Also, here’s a video from a colleague of mine in the past sharing some PT outlook on the swing.

*After he joined, David had some great success and after just a couple of months he sent this.

“Alex i know i’ve sent a few emails to you but I just wanted to say how much I have been enjoying golf and indeed the results! I’m not exactly hitting it 300 yards (yet) but I am seeing a lot of nice shots and importantly, I can play 18 and I feel very little in my knees or rest of my body. And here’s the thing, If I do, i know that i was forcing myself a bit too much and annoying the end results / round is never as good.

So when my body aches I know I need to go back to a couple of my favorite lessons. 1 in the senior program and a few in the strain free have been consistently effective for me. The arms glide in particular”.

Thank you. David M.


**Alex’s note.

This is an example of finding principles that work for YOU. And more often than not, it’s not about positions or hard movements that require hundreds of balls a day…

If you need some guidance of what you need to focus on, hit reply and or send a swing clip over!

Here’s Some of our resources that will make the effortless golf swing and strain free movement a goal for you.

short swing max